Based in the Netherlands, The English Editors provide professional copywriting, editing and proofreading services to corporations, institutions, academics and individuals.
If English is not your native language and you wish to use it to communicate with clients, employees or other stakeholders, it is absolutely essential that your texts are properly written by English language specialists, otherwise you will quickly lose the attention and respect of your audience.
Let The English Editors help you.
We have many years of professional experience in corporate copywriting and have proven expertise in...
Contact The English Editors now and find out how we can help you.
Contact The English Editors now!
As professional native English language journalists and copywriters, The English Editors have considerable experience in ghostwriting texts on behalf of people such as busy executives and academics.
For example, if English is not your native language and you need to write an article for a magazine or website, or you are not confident about your own writing abilities, we can draft and edit it for you.
Examples of editorials we have written can be found in our article portfolio. >>>
Contact The English Editors now!
"Graag willen we je
hartelijk bedanken voor je medewerking aan de algemene opleidingsbrochure. Met behulp van jouw medewerking is het gelukt om een mooi product tot stand te brengen."
Service Centrum,
Universiteit Utrecht.